Health insurance
Nothing is more important than your health - stay well protected! In the event of illness, rapid, high-quality treatment has top priority. Our health insurance offers comprehensive protection and ensures your financial existence.
Accident insurance
In the event of an accident - an accident during sports, at home, in the car or on the way to and from work - we offer immediate insurance cover from the time you take out insurance and a guaranteed payment in the event of injuries.

Household insurance
Insurance for your home - completely safe with your household and homeowner insurance!
We allow damages at replacement value after damage to the household and home caused by fire, storm and tap water, or as a result of a break-in. Broken glass and disasters (floods, mudslides) are also insured with our comprehensive insurance.

Occupational disability insurance
The occupational disability insurance (BU insurance) is important for almost everyone. It pays a pension if the insured person can no longer work for health reasons. However, a BU is expensive for some professions and not everyone can afford it.

Life insurance
Closing the pension gap:
The increase in life expectancy will widen the pension gap - i.e. the difference between the last active income and the statutory pension. In order to maintain the standard of living in the pension, an additional monthly income is required. Life insurance is also well suited for this.

Life insurance
No matter what life situation you are in: Secure those people who are important to you so that your surviving dependents can maintain their accustomed standard of living or pay off an ongoing loan. You decide yourself who receives the sum insured. It makes sense to take out life insurance when starting a family. With our additional modules, you can also provide for the onset of occupational disability or serious illness (cancer, stroke or heart attack).

Legal protection
The risk of losing a lawsuit is always there. A (lost) lawsuit can result in high legal, court and expert fees. Legal protection insurance can protect you from this.